Thursday, January 17, 2008

Britney Spears

PETA calls for Britney Spears to be recognised as an unfit mother to her dogs as well as her children

In an open letter to Kevin Federline, the father of Britney Spears' children, PETA President Ingrid Newkirk has called for the rehoming of Spears' dogs, amidst fears the unbalanced popstar may be incapable of taking proper care of them in her current state.

The request is in direct response to Spears having her children taken from her last week, and is one I am wholeheartedly behind - indeed it is a request which should have been made long ago. Spears is often seen dragging the unfortunate pups around such unsuitable locations as bars and nightclubs. In one particularly unpleasant incident, Spears is alleged to have failed to seek immediate treatment for one of her dogs, London, after he was stepped on and broke his leg.

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